How to Power Your Subconscious Mind to Attract New Feats

Awaken your inner beast that runs without your awareness.

Sanjeev Yadav
4 min readJul 29, 2021


Photo by Ev on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why we do some activities effortlessly? It’s because of the brain programming since childhood that trains our subconscious mind. The behaviours happen effortlessly without giving you migraines, e.g., walking.

And if you have learnt — obviously — more skills in childhood, bring it on! More examples are speaking ( and enjoying flawless abusing ) in your mother tongue, playing your favourite sport or trusting your beliefs.

The power of stories we tell ourselves.

The discomfort zone is daunting when fear dictates your behaviour.

The human brain prefers the path of least resistance because it prioritises pleasure and wants to keep you safe — both at the same time. The reason is evolution because our primates had to run lifelong to escape from predators and foraging. That’s why you’ve heard this phrase everywhere:

The human body is designed to move. It’s because our survival depended on it.

The discomfort zone is daunting when fear rides your behaviour. But when you let your curiosity be your coach, you’ll take calculated risks and become adept at positive self-talk. This dialogue slowly ingrains a particular belief in your subconscious, which:

  1. Directs your behaviour,
  2. Determines your attitude, and
  3. Defines your character.

Train your subconscious mind to attract overdue adventures.

For four years, I sucked at cold-calling on LinkedIn. But this Monday — after almost three weeks of religious procrastination — I took the giant leap of faith in battling the scariest wave for me yet: networking.

You already know what you want the most right now. It can be a relationship, dream job, fitness or financial freedom. But the hurdle is you can’t get your head around how to start.

The catch is:

Your desire to start depends on your desperation for change. Burn mediocrity!

I’m talking about the change that is happening as you’re reading this sentence.

Neuroplasticity is the scientific term for the lifelong evolution your brain is undergoing as long as you’re breathing.

Seek novelty to keep your mind alive and healthy.

Ever thought about why we love to travel? Because it shows us how big the world is once we step out of our physical cocoon.

Similarly, seeking new experiences broadens our worldview by pushing us outside our mental cubicle. It shows us:

Learning is a non-negotiable driving factor in accelerating your personal growth.

Curiosity helps you replace fear with novelty by prodding thoughtful questions and seeking answers by playing head-on with fire or extinguishing it all together with your knowledge.

Your free+powerful asset: the subconscious mind.

Practice won’t only make you perfect. It will make you the fastest learner to smash the perfectionism bar.

Kids are learning machines on steroids because of their mental status ( not a disorder! ), known as the critical period. This duration is the fastest learning phase of a human, which stops when we’re around 5-year-old.

As we enter adulthood, the critical period is long gone. Now our brain learns at a relatively slow pace. That’s why it’s hard to learn how to ride a bike or learn a new language if you didn’t explore it in childhood.

Lifelong learning trains the subconscious mind to speed up your learning. Practice won’t only make you perfect. It will make you the fastest learner to smash the perfectionism bar.

With repetition, your mind learns to get better at tasks you once found exhausting. My latest example is becoming a runner in three months when even a 500m sprint would tear my lungs and hurt my shin when I started in April 2021. Now I run 3km at 10kmph with zero breaks.

With practice, my subconscious mind motivates me daily to push a little bit harder to get the novelty that I won’t get from sulking in my comfort zone.

Final words

I haven’t read The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. But from what I’ve experienced so far, the potential of the subconscious mind is:

You can train your subconscious beast to attain unbelievable feats.

After one year of mad consistency, I’m writing with sheer confidence because I trained my mind to understand — and customise — the craft of writing to build credibility.

Fear shows what direction you need to explore.

I’m way behind my ideal writing status, but comparing with my previous-year self proves I’m way ahead than I would’ve been if I had let fear pee all over my soul.

Fear shows what direction you need to dive in. Fear is a great motivator to discover your hidden power. The bottom line is: are you willing to bleed to develop thick skin?

Make a choice and transform your life. All you need to start is a strong sense of urgency.

Go for it!

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Sanjeev is a writer, mentor and recovering shopaholic from India. He writes about lifelong learning, personal growth, and positive psychology. When he’s not busy with his muse, he’s sweating either in a workout or emulating outdoor games in his home because of the pandemic. He also chronicles his writing and fitness journey on Instagram. He shares daily inspiration with #ThoughtForTheDay on Twitter.



Sanjeev Yadav

Writer • Mentor • Recovering Shopaholic • IITR 2019 • ✍🏼 Personal Growth, Positive Psychology & Lifelong Learning• IG & Threads: sanjeevai